Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Basic Requirements

I have compiled this based on our experiences on dining out with my parents, both of whom are in their 80s, in relatively good health, very aware of what they like and don't like. Over the past few weeks we have made a ritual out of our Saturday lunches, and the purpose of this is three-fold.
  1. Share our experiences in case they can be of help to anyone else
  2. Receive suggestions on other dining options
  3. Document them so we have a place to remember and reference
Our requirements are simple. Or perhaps not quite so simple

Easy Access -> Cannot be a very long walk from the car to the seating area in the restaurant. Not too many steps to climb up and down. At 80+ my parents are not into long treks to get to their food.

Good food -> Having travelled around the world, and then watched all the Guju cooking shows that talk about garnish and decoration, my parents are quite sophisticated. In addition to being wholesome, tasty and non-greasy, the food must be presented well.

Outstanding service -> This is non-negotiable. Ahead of good food, ahead of good presentation, this is the make or break characteristic of the restaurant. My parents attitude - we can always food we like at home. If we are going out, its for the experience. Its for how they make us feel when we are in the restaurant. So service is paramount.

Decor and ambience - should be conducive to a leisurely lunch and contribute to an overall good experience

Vegetarian Choices - any carnivorous appetite my father might have had is overwritten by the strong vegetarian regimen that my mom and I follow. So while there can be non-veg items on the menu, there should definitely be a good set of Vegetarian options.

Air- Conditioning - yes, Bangalore is reputed to have a very pleasant climate. Yes most people in Bangalore have lived without airconditioning. We are the exception that make the rule. If the weather is really pleasant and the bugs and mosquitoes are not out, then of course we want to sit outside and enjoy the fresh air. Otherwise, airconditioning is a requirement.

In or near Bangalore - since we happen to be living in Koramangala in Bangalore, it should not be more than an hour or 90 mins ride.

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